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Seabike Shop

Questions and answers

  • Where can you ship the SEABIKE?
    We can ship worldwide. As long as a shipipng carrier can deliver to your country - we can ship there!
  • Are there age restrictions?
    SEABIKE, just like a regular bicycle, can be used by anybody regardless of age as long as you are healthy enough to swim.
  • Will the low water temperature affect SEABIKE'S performance?
    No, SEABIKE can be used in any water regardless of temperature
  • Can the propeller cause injury if used in public places with others in the water?
    The propeller is completely safe to use since its speed is relatively low, so it will not cause any injury to others around you.
  • Can the SEABIKE sink?
    No, it floats! SEABIKE has positive buoyancy.
  • Is there an option to add a night ligth?
    For safety reasons, we recommend not to use SEABIKE at night. There are no lights available for it. If you absolutely have to use it at night, you can use any night swim lights available on the market.
  • What is faster - using flippers or SEABIKE?
    For distances of 100m or more, SEABIKE has the absolute advantage.
  • Do SEABIKES have individual serial numbers in case it gets lost or stolen?
    Yes, each SEABIKE has its unique serial number embossed on the frame and comes with Proof of Ownership brochure.
  • What kind of maintenance does the SEABIKE require?
    No maintenance at all! However, if used in salt water, we recommend spraying it off with fresh water after use.
  • How long can it last before the first repair? Is there a warranty?
    With proper use, we warranty any SEABIKE for two years from any joint malfunction. If used carefully, it can serve you well for much longer than that.
  • Where and how can I get it serviced? Do you do remote service?
    Any simple repair can be done by the user himself with the parts he /she can purchase from our website. Warranty repair can be done only at one of our service centers.
  • Where can I get replacement parts?
  • How long does it take to learn how to use it?
    In most cases, just 5-10 min for the BASE model. Kids learn faster than adults!
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